Ben Leshchinsky is an associate professor in Geotechnical Engineering. His research interests include a variety of topics relating to geotechnical engineering, with primary foci on landslides, slope stability, reinforced soil, and lidar applications to geohazards. He is faculty both in the College of Forestry and the School of Civil and Construction Engineering.
Full Cirriculum Vitae
Follow Ben's research on ResearchGate and Google Scholar:
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Erik Fulmer, Ph.D.. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2026.
Research topic: Monitoring and characterization of landslides using InSAR and numerical modeling.
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David de Sousa, Ph.D.. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2025.
Research topic: Characterizing post-wildife controls on landslides and debris flows in the Pacific Northwest.
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Bryce Berrett, Ph.D.. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2025. Co-advised with Michael Olsen.
Research topic: Characterizing post-earthquake landslide mechanisms through geospatial and numerical modeling.
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Tifong Ching, Ph.D.. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2024. Co-advised with Matt Evans.
Research topic: Developing geospatial tools to characterize sparse subsurface data across Oregon..
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Mahrooz Abed, Ph.D.. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated August 2023.
Research topic: Design and numerical modeling of horizontal drain systems for landslide mitigation.
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Peyton Presler, M.S. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2023;
Hometown: Fairbanks, Alaska |
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Andrew Senogles, M.S. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: December 2022. Coadvised with Michael Olsen.
Hometown: Edinburgh, Scotland.
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Tyler Cartwright, M.S. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: December 2022. Coadvised with Michael Olsen.
Hometown: Seattle, Washington. |
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Nick Mathews, Ph.D. Student, Civil Engineering. Graduated August 2021.
Hometown: Wasilla, Alaska.
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Tucker Jones, M.S. Student, Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: Graduated June 2019;
Hometown: Portland, Maine.
Michael Bunn, Ph.D. Candidate, Civil Engineering. Expected Graduation: June 2019. Coadvised with Michael Olsen.
Hometown: Lone Pine, California. |
Clay Mancuso , M.F. Candidate, Forest Engineering. Expected graduation: June 2018.
Hometown: Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Hobbies: Running, biking and swimming. |
Yonggui Xie, Ph.D. Candidate, Civil Engineering. Expected graduation: January 2018.
Hometown: Nanjing, China.
Hobbies: Ping pong, basketball and reading. |
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Sagar Satyal, M.S., Civil Engineering. Graduated August 2017.
Employed by HDR, Inc., Folsom, CA.
Research: Geocell confinement of railway ballast.
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal. |
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Linghui Wang, M.S., Civil Engineering. Graduated June 2016.
Research: Arching in cohesive-frictional soils.
Danny Hess, M.S. , Civil Engineering. Graduated June 2016.
Employed by GeoEngineers, Inc., Portland, OR.
Research: Three-dimensional shallow landslide susceptibility using lidar.
Hometown: San Diego, California.
Hobbies: Disc golfing.
Shanchuan Yang, Visiting Ph.D. Scholar, Civil Engineering.
Now Faculty at Southwest Jaiotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
Research: Three-dimensional stability of reinforced soil structures.
Hometown: Sichuan, China.
Hobbies: Tennis, tennis, and tennis. |
Erica Kemp, M.S., Water Resources Engineering.
Employed by the US Army Corp of Engineers.
Research: Water Resources. Unpaved roads, wet weather hauling and sediment generation, hydrological processes. |
Spencer Ambauen, M.S., Civil Engineering.
Employed as a consultant at Aspect Engineering, Seattle, WA.
Research: Finite Element modeling, MSE wall abutments. Defended August 2014.