









FE 315: Soil Engineering - Winter Term - 4 Credits

Prerequisites: ENGR 213 and CE 311 or CEM 311 or FE 330 

Introduce Forest Engineering, Ecological Engineering, and Construction Engineering Management students to soil and the engineering properties that determine how it is used as a structural material in cut and fill slope structures, as a part of retaining structures, for building foundation support, as a pavement subgrade, and for earth dams.

Course Objectives:
[1] Identify and classify soils by the Unified Classification System.
[2] Solve for the Phase Relationships in soil.
[3] Conduct compaction tests, understand compaction specifications.
[4] Estimate seepage quantities and associated pore water pressure.
[5] Compute gravity stresses in soil (ABET Outcomes: a, e, k)
[6] Make first order settlement estimates of site-work fills.
[7] Make time rate of settlement estimates for site-work fills.
[8] Understand basics of the Mohr-Coulomb strength relationship.

Offered: Winter Term

Find the course syllabus here.


FE 316: Soil Mechanics - Spring Term - 4 Credits

Prerequisites: FE 315 or CE 372

Provide Forest Engineers, Ecological Engineers and Civil Engineers with a working knowledge of the classical soil mechanics that is the basis for basic slope stability analysis, retaining wall and anchor design, and bearing capacity.

Course Objectives:
[1] A basic understanding of soil strength and its application to classical soil mechanics.
[2] The ability to determine the stability of an engineered or natural earth slope.
[3] The ability to design stable slopes in situations of moderate geotechnical difficulty.
[4] The ability to compute lateral earth pressures for retaining wall design purposes.
[5] The ability to compute passive resistance for anchor design purposes.
[6] The ability to design modest height retaining walls, and anchor blocks.
[7] The ability to compute bearing capacity for shallow spread footings.

Offered: Spring Term

Find the course syllabus here.


FE/CE 479 / FE/CE 579:Slope and Embankment Design - Spring Term - 3 Credits

A comprehensive overview of evaluating stability and performance for natural and engineering slopes. Design aspects include construction of road embankments, slope remediation techniques and application of geosynthetics for slope stabilization, slope and wall construction, and drainage.

Offered: Spring Term




Website copyright of Ben Leshchinsky. Background Photo Credit: Marek ƚlusarczyk.

The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author and do not reflect those of Oregon State University or the State of Oregon.